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Hip Hop History Month 2011


As a waring burrough of innercity street gangs culminate to what would have been an all out war, an epic gang truce and new developing energy called Hip Hop would ultimately uplift an entire community and change the world. November 12th, 1974 is recognized by the international Hip Hop community as the time when Hip Hop culture was conceived.

Hip Hop is an international and universal culture that transcends the boundaries of humanity, providing positive outlets of artistic expression and a platform for unity, self-empowerment and social change. In the last 37 years Hip Hop has transformed from an underground scene to an international phenomenon, one that is cherished in the most remote places of every continent. It has since become prominent in mainstream society and has developed into a billion dollar industry.

Although pop icons such as Lil Wayne, Jay-Z and Tupac make everyday headlines, not much is said about the founding fathers of Hip Hop such as Kool Herc, Afrika Bambaataa or Grandmaster Flash. In an age where materialism and misogyny are celebrated and even perpetuated by major labels, it is no wonder why there are so many stigmas and misconceptions of Hip Hop.

For these reasons and more, 206 Zulu Nation proposed Seattle Mayor McGinn to help spread awareness of Hip Hop History Month and succeeded last November of 2010 with an official proclamation. This November, members of 206 Zulu will travel throughout King County and Washington State to continue spreading awareness of Hip Hop History Month with a series of educational and entertaining assemblies, lectures, workshops, presentations and performances.

206 Zulu would like to call upon all Seattleites, Hip Hop fans and practitioners, teachers, student groups, activists, organizations and advocates of Hip Hop to honor, celebrate and help spread awareness of Hip Hop History Month! Here are just a few ways to support and advocate for Hip Hop History Month:

– Host a Hip Hop workshop, assembly or presentation
– Study Hip Hop history, local history, international Hip Hop, read books, watch films
– Support local and independent artists by attending their events and buying their music
– Spread the word, distribute literature, PSAs, blogs, social media
– Support independent media outlets that play true-school Hip Hop

In honor of Hip Hop History Month as Proclaimed by the International Hip Hop community, Universal Zulu Nation and most recently Mayor McGinn and the City of Seattle, 206 Zulu will host a series of events, assemblies, workshops, panels, can food drives, art galleries, jams at several schools, juvenile detention centers and hospitals around King County.

11/1 – Dia de los Muertos Opening @ El Centro de la Raza
2524 16th Ave S, 98144, 5:30pm

11/1 – Stop Biting @ Lo-Fi
429 Eastlake Ave E, 9pm – $5 – 21+

11/2 – Hip Hop Heals Benefit Concert @ Nectar Lounge
412 N 26th St, 9pm – $5 – 21+

11/3 – Skratch Lounge @ Trinity
111 Yesler Way, 7-10:30pm – 21+

11/4 – B-Boy/Girl Workshop @ The Center School (private)

11/5 – 206 Zulu Showcase @ Children’s Hospital (private)

11/5 – Zulu Radio w/ DJ Cues @ KBCS 91.3 FM, 10pm-12am

11/8 – 206 Zulu @ Denny Middle School (private)
as part of Hope For Youth

11/9 – KRS One @ Seattle Central Community College
Broadway Performance Hall, 6-9pm

11/10 – KRS One @ South Puget Sound Community College
Kenneth J Minnaert Center for The Arts, 2011 Mottman Rd. SW
Olympia, WA, 5-6:30pm

11/10 – 206 Zulu Community Meeting @ Washington Hall
153 14th Ave, 98122, 7-9pm

11/12 – Vursatyl, LA, Xperience, Massiah, DJ Turtledove
Evergreen State College Library Bldg, 8pm – $5-10

11/12 – Zulu Radio w/ Sensei Lewis @ KBCS 91.3 FM, 10pm-12am

11/14 – 206 Zulu Presents: THE TOWN @ Vera Project
Corner of Republican & Warren, 7-9pm

11/17 – 206 Zulu Showcase @ King County Juvenile Detention Center (private)

11/17 – HHHM @ Seattle Central Community College
Broadway Performance Hall, 11am-2pm

11/18 – Rise & Decolonize @ Westlake Park

11/19 – Zulu Radio w/ Beloved @ KBCS 91.3 FM, 10pm-12am

11/21 – “Hip Hop in the Academic Context”
Panel Discussion / Community Forum
Allen Library Auditorium, University of Washington

11/22 – 206 Zulu @ Denny Middle School (private)
as part of Hope For Youth

11/25 – Zulu Jam @ Washington Hall
153 14th Ave, 98122, 7-11pm

11/26 – Zulu Radio w/ Silver Shadow D @ KBCS 91.3 FM, 10pm-12am

11/29 – HHHM w/ King Khazm @ Highline Community College
2400 S 240th St, Des Moines, WA 98198
Building 7, 12-1pm

* All events are free and all ages unless indicated

Hip Hop History Month Home Page

Uplift | Preserve | Celebrate