MLK Day Community Discussion

January 16, 2025

MLK Day Community Discussion
Juvenile Rehabilitation to 25 (RSVP FORM)

Washington Hall
153 14th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98122

Hosted by:
Seattle MLK Organizing Coalition
Kids Are Kids
Black Rose Collective
Team Child

Background and Description:
The youth of our community are not being treated as the youth they are, they are being treated as adults. Not only should we not be incarcerating young people for choices they made while  they are still developing (and this is assuming their was any fault on their part at all), but they should further not be being abused, denied education and medical care, being gaslight and disbelieved, let alone being sent into adult facilities. Not that adults should be incarcerated either, but we have a particular responsibility to the upcoming generation(s) that we are more culpable for.

Our community is advocating for young people, up to the age of 25 to be able to remain in the juvenile system and not be sent into adult facilities and populations. There are major safety concerns and social concerns for this.

This community conversation will be diving into these issues and more, and engaging the community in complex conversations about our responsibility and what we should be doing for and with the young people of our community. 

Dinner at 5PM
Panel at 6PM
Breakout Discussions at 7PM