Friday, September 20, 2024
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Rubble Kingz: How Camps Breakerz use dance for healing in the Gaza Strip

Instructor, Mouse Alghariz poses with students in the Camps Breakerz studio.

To begin simply, Camps Breakerz is a crew of b-boys and b-girls. Like so many other crews in Hip Hop Culture, they throw jams and battle. They clap and cheer for each others’ finesse and power moves and they dust each other off when they crash. They get up for morning sessions,  and crack jokes and tell stories after late night practices. They’ve carved a lane teaching the art of breaking to youth in their community, like many other Hip Hop heads who have found greater purpose in passing along their craft to a younger generation. Also not unlike many other teaching artists, they’ve found unexpected magic in the educational programs they facilitate. For the children and adults that they work with in their home of the Gaza Strip, Camps Breakerz’ programs have not only benefited the physical health of their students, but they have created outlets for self-expression and trauma-release in a space where that type of healing is desperately needed. 

Following an attack in southern Israel carried out by Hamas on October 7, which killed 1,139 people and captured 253 hostages, the Israeli government began a catastrophic siege on the population of the Gaza Strip that at the time of this writing, has killed over 35,000 people in Gaza. According to Gaza’s Health Ministry (MOH), 14,000  of those deaths are children and 9,000 are women. Upwards of 10,000 people are presumed still trapped under rubble created by persistent bombings. Widespread acts of violence directed at hospitals and other obstructions of access to health care have been recorded in Gaza since the current phase of crisis in Palestine began. The MOH also reports that 493 health workers have been killed in the attacks. Roughly 12 of the 36 hospitals in Gaza are in a state of partial functionality. The other 24 hospitals have either completely shuttered or have run out of fuel and medicine. To compound the crisis, shipments of medical supplies and food aid have been repeatedly blocked or attacked directly. Tragedies like the bombing and killing of an entourage of international aid workers from the World Central Kitchen in April 2024, serve as a deterrent for others who would help deliver essential support to the citizens of Gaza.

Survival Pending Revolution

In all mass movements, there are various tiers of resistance that can be observed in regards to addressing oppression, hegemony, and in the most dire of situations, genocide. Some of these actions are undertaken in attempts to fight the long game of addressing the roots of the socio-political constructs that fuel the suffering of a population. These actions of long-term impact can be found in the form of education, massive political restructuring, reworking of media narratives, and in more extreme scenarios, complete revolution. Other actions are more immediate in nature, working towards accessing the basic needs of survival for people living within the shadow of repressive institutions.

Black Panther Party co-founder, Huey P. Newton explained this phenomenon with the simple phrase, “survival pending revolution.” In an essay re-published in the anthology, To Die for the People: The Writings of Huey P. Newton, he wrote:

“We recognized that in order to bring the people to the level of consciousness where they would seize the time, it would be necessary to serve their interests in survival by developing programs which would help them to meet their daily needs… These programs satisfy the deep needs of the community but they are not solutions to our problem. That is why we call them survival programs, meaning survival pending revolution.”

Bill Whitfield of the Black Panther chapter in Kansas City serves free breakfast to children before they go to school, April 16, 1969. (PHOTOGRAPH BY WILLIAM P. STRAETER, AP)

Survival programs are a unique lens that resistance organizing can be viewed through. Not only do these acts of community shed a soft light on the common needs of human populations and the ingenuity of those dedicated to social progress, they also draw to the surface the nature of everyday life that continues despite people facing the horrors of war, colonialism, and institutional racism. The Black Panthers formed a health-education curriculum, free medical clinics, Sickle Cell Anemia research projects, and free breakfast programs for school children as part of their agenda to address the short term needs of their communities, while preparing for the long walk towards permanent social change.

In a 2021 interview, the South African organizer and emcee Emile YX? was asked what it was like to be an activist living under the Apartheid regime in the 1980s. His response was telling. “The reality of being under the control of that type of regime is that life goes on. A lot of people ask ‘what were you doing?’ and you’re like, I was skateboarding, and roller skating, and playing football, and soccer, and volleyball, and practicing Kung-fu and they’re like, ‘Wait a minute, I thought this was during apartheid.’ People forget that apartheid is just an extension of colonialism. So, people lived under the regime. They fell in love, they went clubbing, they went to watch movies and so there was life.”

Emile’s point speaks directly to the needs of everyday people embroiled in those long fights towards full liberation. It highlights the power of finding solace in the ability to carry on a life and pursue the stability and mental health needed to bolster larger actions. It reminds us of the need for intentional actions to maintain a true and rich survival, and what it means for that survival to be an act of resistance.

Needless to say, the situation for the civilians of the Gaza Strip is dire and even basic survival is not something that anyone living in the region can take for granted. As human rights movements mobilize globally in attempts to secure aid and advocate for a permanent ceasefire, everyday citizens of Palestine are existing in a daily struggle for their lives. Much has been written about the long-form systems of supporting the population of Gaza and other people around the world who face the existential threats of state sponsored violence, oppression, colonialism, and war. The story of Camps Breakerz allows us to take a deeper look into the immediate needs of a people and how the very act of dancing can play a pivotal role in the pursuit of freedom.

Dancing in the Rain

B-Boy Funk

Before the Camps Breakerz crew was a symbol of resistance and community support, they represented a foundational moment in Hip Hop history. Original crew member, Ahmed Alghariz aka B-boy Shark tells the story of the group’s origins. “Our beginning was through my brother Mohammed, or Funk, the first b-boy… in Palestine. He started by watching some videos in Saudi Arabia before he moved to the Gaza Strip for his studies at university.” 

The Alghariz brothers come from a Palestinian family and were born in Saudi Arabia. Shortly after Funk moved back to Palestine for his studies, Shark followed. “My brother didn’t find anything called breaking or (what we called) “funky” (in Palestine) at that time. He started to practice and teach our neighbor and, step by step, they spread dancing in the area. When I moved with my family… to the Gaza Strip in 2003-2004, (Funk and I) made our crew together and we called it Camps B-Boys, but at the time we thought in the future we might get girls, so we called ourselves Camps Breakers.”

Many organizers within Hip Hop and other youth-based movements can relate to the struggle of establishing the legitimacy of new forms of cultural expression in the eyes of elders and other community members. Shark continues, “And we were so careful what we called ourselves also because the community might think that b-boys meant bad boys and we didn’t want this to be threatening or (appear to) be like the bad guys… because we are educated people and that’s why we converted b-boys to breakers. We were defending breaking and also spreading it in the Gaza Strip. People didn’t accept our shows because it was pure breaking. And in that time, we were thinking of a solution for how we can make our community accept our dancing. So we mixed our issues, our hard situation, into our shows and… people started to see themselves and their stories (in the events) and accepted our dancing. We call it Gazan Contemporary style.”

Camps Breakerz students in Gaza.

It is said that necessity is the mother of invention, and so what began with the Camps Breakerz crew’s excitement about the dynamic new culture of Hip Hop and a love for the element of breaking, created a need for including the interests and values of the broader community of Gaza into the way their events were run. The people’s response became a proof of concept for the power of using art and movement as tools for healing. 

Shark, who is a trauma counselor by trade, recognized that in his formal counseling work, while the methods for tracking and identifying the trauma that impacted patients were different than working with students in a dance studio, many of the results were the same. He and Funk found that moving together in rhythm influenced a sense of belonging, affirming their existence and connection to a pulse that bound Gaza to the rest of the world. They found growth in their students’ ability to communicate and cooperate, skills as essential in the general moments of everyday life as they are in the process of surviving a war zone.

Food is packaged in the Camps Breakerz studio and prepared for distribution to residents of the Nuseirat refugee camp.

The crew grew to include new breakers like b-boys Jarule, Machine, Hanson, and more as well as videographers, promoters, graffiti writers, and a host of community volunteers. As the crew grew, so did the needs of Gaza. The Camps Breakerz studio became a hub for food and clothes distribution, a need further exacerbated by the current attacks on Gaza. They set up a busing program that brought youth in from surrounding areas to spend time in focused rehabilitation programs. The studio became a ray of sun in dark times, a space that could be found full of laughing children, cheering adults encouraging students to hug themselves, piles of shoes, jackets, hats, or bags of vegetables for people from the neighborhood to take. But even a ray of sunlight is subject to the movement of clouds.

In 2009, the Camps Breakerz studio was bombed by the Israeli military. Without a permanent physical space to organize, the crew literally danced on rubble, unwilling to end their work. They continued to organize and network, taking their instruction mobile, traveling to teach at various United Nations schools in the Gaza Strip. The network they had built became a powerful asset and through a collective fundraising effort, the group was eventually able to open a new physical studio inside of the Nuseirat Refugee Camp in central Gaza.

Increasingly dire conditions brought on by air raids and ground attacks by the Israeli military, have left a staggering amount of civilians’ homes and businesses in the Gaza Strip leveled. As a result, more and more people in Palestine have been forced into camps like the Nuseirat Camp. Nuseirat was built around the site of a former British prison to provide refuge for 16,000 Palestinians fleeing South Gaza during the mass displacements and violence of the period in 1948 in which the state of Israel was formally established, known in history books as the Arab-Israeli war but commonly referred to by the people of Palestine as the Nakba, or ‘catastrophe.’ Today, over 80,000 people crowd into the 0.26 square mile (0.68 sq km) camp.

Demolished businesses and scarce access to resources have left few opportunities for employment or commerce. Limited food is available to purchase with what income can be earned. Amid the cramped conditions, lack of materials to build shelter with, electricity cuts, and hunger exacerbated by fluctuating restrictions on fishing by the Israeli government, the struggling people of Nuseirat, along with local and international partners, have built their own infrastructure within the camp. In the quarter square mile it exists within, there are schools, a formal food distribution center, health centers, and a single maintenance and sanitation office. Despite these challenges, the Camps Breakerz erected their dance studio alongside those other general health and education support resources. 

Amongst the rattle of M4 rifles and the boom of mortar shells, kicks and snares echoed off the walls of the dwellings of Nuseirat. Laughter, joy, and possibility blended with mourning and fear as young students honed new skills and impressed their friends. Crowds from the community gathered on balconies and in the courtyard of the studio to marvel at headspins, barrels, and flares. As Emile YX? said, “So there was life.”

The Camps Breakerz studio after being bombed by the Israeli military on February 23, 2024.

Yet, the soil of the earth knows well that even rays of sun are subject to the clouds. In a heartbreaking return to the somber reality of living under the constant yoke of military violence, on February 23rd, 2024, the Israeli military bombed the new Camps Breakerz dance studio. Four students were killed, all children under 10 years old. The horror of those deaths and the chilling acknowledgement that the feeling of safety people find while dancing exists only in the mind of the dancer, would threaten anyone’s sense of resolve. Shaken but not broken, the Camps Breakerz crew danced on, sunlight continuing to shine on their students through a bombed hole in the wall, cut through a now crumbling graffiti mural.

Reflecting on the process of healing from a threat that still exists, Shark takes a deep breath before answering, “I have seen the results (of our work) and it’s going in the right direction, but of course we still need to be there. There are many reasons that trauma in Gaza is always refreshed and reactivated.” On the long road to permanent safety, a rich survival requires the response to harm and fear to recur as frequently as the violence. The Camps Breakerz organizers know that they won’t do this alone.

Young students dance under a demolished wall in the Camps Breakerz studio.

Leaning into the value of unity, one of the founding principles of Hip Hop that drew B-boys Funk and Shark towards the culture originally, the crew reached out to their global community, calling in b-girls, b-boys, and many other Hip Hop heads that they have collaborated with over the years. Breaking crews and Hip Hop organizers have begun throwing events from New York and Seattle to Barcelona, to help fundraise for the rebuilding of the Camps Breakerz studio. A Gofundme account was created to help draw more of the international community together to continue to raise funds for the studio.

The way Shark speaks about his own crew’s Gofundme campaign, further shows how collective of an effort community rebuilding can be. “We will build the school (with the funds we raise) and we have our campaign. Also we have our C.B. crew linktree account to support other campaigns for other people in the Gaza Strip who are in need to evacuate to Egypt, for example.” The linktree is full of stories of children, pregnant women, medical professionals, and grandparents that need help. Shark naturally blending the support needed for his own crew’s purposes with the needs of so many others is an almost poetic ode to the power of what each survivor can do while en route to liberation.

The civilians living in the Nuseirat refugee camp and the Gaza Strip continue to exist under constant threat to their lives. The struggle for access to food, fuel, medical supplies, and other basic necessities continues as support for their safety grows internationally. People following Camps Breakerz story will use their linktree and Gofundme campaigns to provide much needed immediate help for the people on that list. Life may improve for those people and when it does, the stories on that linktree will be replaced with new ones, as long as the enduring threat to the people exists. Supporters will hope that their solidarity with the children attending the Camps Breakerz studio, dancing amidst the ruins of walls that once were, will provide solace to the group’s organizers. That solace may be a bit of healing for the day, and sometimes a day is what you need while working for a better tomorrow. 

Camps Breakerz students dance atop the remnants of bombed buildings in Gaza.

Some problems seem so deeply rooted and the road to their solutions can feel so long, that it’s daunting to hope. These are precisely the times that Huey P. Newton was referring to when he advised the people to hold strong and remember that there is victory in survival when up against such a force. 

Shark’s final thoughts are humbling when considering the weight of that force that he and his crew are facing. They contain no hate or reference to an enemy. They don’t even center on his own struggle. “Support each other,” he says calmly. “Hip hop is one family and I just want them to stand with humanity. I don’t want them to stand with anything else.” 

If we all stand with humanity, seeking to find unity with the everyday people across all sides of conflicts in our world, the survival of the people of Gaza may just allow them to live to see the clouds part and humans break some of our most dangerous cycles. And with the support of their community, while they survive, they will dance.

206 Zulu 17th Anniversary

206 Zulu 17th Anniversary Special
Uplift | Preserve | Celebrate
With reflections by Big Zo, Georgio Brown, Malika Patti, Mz Music Girl, Orbitron, Queen Kitty Wu, Shooter in the Town, Supreme La Rock & More!

Saturday, February 13
6pm PST
Livestreaming on Facebook and YouTube


Check out the 206 Zulu 17th Anniversary Kick-Off event the night before!

Pangea: Hip Hop Heals
Album Release & Artist Discussion
With guests Dumi Right (USA), Eli Almic (Uruguay), Emile YX? (South Africa), Maze 022 (India), Tati Chaves (Costa Rica), ZDC (Australia) & More!

Friday, February 12
6pm PST
Sign up REGISTER (free)

206 Zulu Anniversary Home
Pangea Home
Facebook Event Page

Always Remembered 2023- Trugoy the Dove and the Depth of a Never-ending Verse


Some 206 Zulu readers will be familiar with our Always Remembered series, a tradition we carry each year where we take time to hold space for people within Hip Hop and its peripheral communities who passed on over the course of the preceding year. In the past, this remembrance has taken the form of an annual video episode of our Meeting of the Minds podcast. For 2024, we’ll be sharing these memories in a different way.

Over the course of this year, we’ll be sharing a written commemoration of some of these influential members of our greater community, one at a time. We know that the act of remembrance is a tremendous power we have to keep our predecessors and ancestors alive through our collective voice. In that grain, keep posted for our ongoing series of brief stories looking into the lives of some of the fascinating people that transcended their physical frames in the course of 2023. And if any of these individuals have impacted you in any way, remember, your retelling of these stories will keep them alive in perpetuity. This is Always Remembered…


Dave Jolicoeur

Celebrating the memory of Trugoy the Dove, aka Plug Two, aka Dave from De La Soul is a two part exercise. On one hand, there’s much to remember about his individual contributions to Hip Hop culture and the group he helped to raise to legendary status. On the other hand, it’s an opportunity to celebrate De La Soul’s indelible mark on Hip Hop culture while we give thanks that the still living members and their collaborators will continue making new music and history.

David Jolicoeur was born on Sept. 21, 1968 in Brooklyn, New York, but his family moving to Long Island while he was still a young child proved to be one impactful transition in a chain of events that would go on to shape the story of Hip Hop. Meeting Kelvin Mercer and Vincent Mason at Amityville Memorial High School would be another of those moments. Finding a shared passion in rap music would lead the three friends to form the group De La Soul while still in school. Kelvin Mercer would become Posdnuos and Vincent Mason would become Maseo. Dave Jolicoeur would exhibit the versatility that he approached the rest of his life with as his aka’s shifted between Plug Two, Trugoy (Yogurt backwards), Trugoy the Dove, and finally just Dave. 

Amityville Memorial High School

In a group of unique individuals that would go on to join forces with some of Hip Hop’s most legendary trailblazers, Dave had a unique shine. The great Hip Hop journalist Greg Tate was once asked in an interview, who he thought is the most overlooked rapper in greatest of all time conversations. His answer was, “I would have to say that would be De La Soul’s Trugoy the Dove, who was way unappreciated for his creativity with language, his vulnerability and his storytelling.”

When Dave died on February 12, 2023 at the age of 54, no public cause of death was given but his intimate relationship with his fans made the cause seem apparent. Harkening back to the vulnerability that Greg Tate praised, Dave had already openly shared personal details about his struggle with congestive heart failure, which he was diagnosed with in 2017. In usual form, he spoke about his struggles in the “Royalty Capes” music video, from the album, And the Anonymous Nobody…

We’ll come back to And the Anonymous Nobody, but first, a bit more about that cycle of events that would etch out some of Hip Hop’s most important moments. Shortly after forming their group in high school, the trio caught the attention of emerging super-producer, Prince Paul. Paul had already become a local celebrity on Long Island, pushing boundaries by blending samples, live instruments, and beatboxing through his production work with Stetsasonic on a series of early Hip Hop classics. In an interesting moment of blended worlds and chance meetings, while Prince Paul and Maseo were both working with an artist named Gangster B, Maseo shared a tape of an early rough take of De La’s song “Plug Tunin’” and a new cycle began.

N.W.A., among other artists. were setting the scene for the Hip Hop industry that De La Soul emerged from.

Hip Hop was in an interesting place at the time that Dave, as Plug Two, would emerge on the “Plug Tunin’” single with the lines, “Dazed at the sight of a method/Dive beneath the depth of a never-ending verse/Gasping and swallowing every last letter vocalized liquid holds the quench of your thirst.” The year was 1989. NWA had recently dropped dropped Straight Outta Compton and made international headlines as the world reacted to “F*ck the Police.” LL Cool J was keeping a spotlight on battle rap with “Jack the Ripper.” Special Ed was imagining the future of Hip Hop’s infatuation with extravagant stunts of material wealth on “I Got it Made.” De La’s first album, 3 Feet High and Rising, would drop as part of a freshman class in a year that also included debuts from Gang Starr, Naughty by Nature, the D.O.C., and the firebrand emcee, Bumpy Knuckles.

Even in a stage of Hip Hop’s progression where so many personalities were competing to shape its trajectory, 3 Feet High and Rising was a departure. Wild skits with bits ranging from game shows to schoolyard bullies bookended verses with references to daisies and potholes on the lawn. In a New York musical landscape rife with Dapper Dan customs, rope chains, Nation of Islam and Five Percenter ideology, tough guy bravado, and hyper class consciousness blistering over hard beats with minimalist chops and loops, De La was having fun experimenting. If any other prominent emcees in the New York rap scene had lawns to have potholes in, they weren’t talking about them on wax. 

De La Soul’s classic debut album, 3 Feet High and Rising (alternative color)

3 Feet High and Rising was a mosaic containing over 60 samples ranging from Johnny Cash and Funkadelic to French language lessons, giving new life to acts like Vaughan Mason & Crew or Jefferson Starship. But revolutionizing sampling in Hip Hop came with a price. The relatively new art form of sampling was still discovering the legal boundaries that would come to govern much of Hip Hop production’s future. Not all of the samples on 3 Feet… were officially cleared. One of those samples was on the skit “Transmitting Live from Mars,” which contained a 12-second sample from the U.S. rock band, The Turtles’ 1969 song “You Showed Me.” Howard Kaylan and Mark Volman, previous members of the Turtles, filed a lawsuit against De La Soul and their associates for a staggering $2.5 million. The case would ultimately settle out of court with Kaylan and Volman receiving $1.7 million in damages, setting a new precedent for the producers of today to work against as they conduct their own experiments in sample based music.

Ironically, a quick internet search shows almost 500 instances of De La Soul themselves being sampled by other artists. The significance of this dichotomous role in Hip Hop’s history of sample innovation wasn’t lost on Dave and the group. In 2016, in an act of artistic defiance, the trio released the record, and the Anonymous Nobody…. The album was sample-based but the samples were drawn from over 300 hours of original jam sessions recorded on tape at the pivotal Vox Studios in Los Angeles. De La and team created a project, effectively sampling themselves. Not only was the record independent of older musicians’ samples, it was also sovereign from label funding and control. The release was entirely crowd funded, once again setting a fresh precedent in the music industry. With an initial $110,000 goal, the funding campaign brought in over $600,000 from 11,000 funders, becoming the second highest funded project in the crowd-source platform, Kickstarter’s history.  “For the last decade, we’ve been independent artists, free of a record label interfering in our creative process,” the group declared on their campaign page.

In De La Soul’s career, the fight for artistic freedom and equity in an infamously predatory industry continued to be legendary all the way to the threshold of Dave Jolicoeur’s transition. That fight resulted in a longtime lack of fans’ ability to access their music from contemporary sources. Refusing to accept unfair royalty splits with their label Tommy Boy Records (with some offers from the label rumored to be as vast as 90%/10% in the label’s favor), the group’s catalog was unavailable on major streaming platforms. In their usual recalcitrant fashion, they rebelled in favor of their fans and used what leverage that they did have to release the music they’d spent a career creating, for free online. The legal fight for a fair share of their royalties continued until De La eventually won, announcing the acquisition of their own masters and the ability to release their catalog on streaming platforms just a month before Dave’s death. The journey of experimentation, breaking walls for the cause of artistic freedom, and advocacy for art over profits continued all the way to the edge of Trugoy the Dove’s physical time on this planet.

The release of De La Soul’s catalog to streaming platforms marked an ascension from multiple points in Hip Hop’s antiquity to a new level of participation in the modern world we all share. That moment  happened on March 3, 2023, the 34th anniversary of 3 Feet High and Rising, the album that started it all. If Hip Hop culture has a maker’s mark, it’s in the way it bridges different points on the continuum of time and space. David Jolicoeur is one third of a group that marked a connection between flat tops and jerry curls, strongman and hippy, artist and business, and of course the past and the present. We remember him for his indelible tag on the wall of history and at the same time, we can consider ourselves part of the future history in the making that a still living De La Soul will continue to mold right along with the rest of us.

From within that continuum, we remember Dave.


Kassa Overall


Saturday, November 16, 2024

206 Zulu Presents
As part of Cloudbreak Seattle’s Citywide Live Music Fest, and
In celebration of November as Hip Hop History Month

Washington Hall 
153 14th Ave
Seattle, WA 98108

Adv. $25 / DOS $30 
8:30pm (Doors 7:30pm)
Ages 21+
Ticket Link

About Kassa Overall
Kassa Overall is a Grammy-nominated musician, emcee, singer, producer and drummer who melds avant-garde experimentation with hip-hop production techniques to tilt the nexus of jazz and rap in unmapped directions. He previously released four critically acclaimed projects: I THINK I’M GOODGo Get Ice Cream and Listen to JazzShades of Flu and Shades of Flu 2.

On ANIMALS, his Warp Records debut, Kassa pushes his kaleidoscopic, subversive vision further. He layers Roland 808s against avant-garde drumming in the vein of his mentors Elvin Jones and Billy Hart, the latter of whom he studied with at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music. Virtuoso musos appear alongside rap poets, including Danny Brown, Wiki, Lil B, and Shabazz Palaces. Top-flight jazz improvisation weaves in and out of orchestral string arrangements by Jherek Bischoff. The album’s diverse, all-star roster of collaborators includes several of his close friends, like vocalists Nick Hakim, Laura Mvula, Francis and the Lights, and jazz stars like Theo Croker and Vijay Iyer.

ANIMALS pushes Kassa’s message further too, the title a loaded metaphor for the paradoxes of his life as an entertainer and as a black man in America. ANIMALS is the sound of an artist aware of the cost of embodying one’s natural self in the public eye, a deep reckoning with the two-sided truth that to perform one’s freedom for an audience can mean succumbing to life inside a cage.


Hip Hop History Month 2024


November has been celebrated as Hip Hop History Month in Seattle, Tacoma and throughout Washington State since 2007.  In the tumultuous political climate of today, the lessons present in the heritage and legacy of Hip Hop culture are more valuable than ever.

Since its genesis in Black and Brown youth subculture of the 1970s, Hip Hop has grown into an internationally embraced cultural force, despite its rampant commercialization by corporate America. As the voice of the voiceless, Hip Hop continues to evolve, inspire, and influence broader society wherever it manifests. Hip Hop and its artistic practices have persisted as important tools for self-expression, community empowerment, and social change in the face of oppressive systems everywhere.

To honor Hip Hop History Month, we are calling upon our broader community of artists, educators, organizations, and more to join us in actively exploring and carrying this legacy forward. Here are just a few ideas for how:

  • Learn more about Hip Hop history, starting in your own backyard
  • Seek/support local Hip Hop artists and indy media that amplifies them
  • Host a Hip Hop workshop, assembly or presentation
  • Spread the word on HHHM

For more information on how to get involved, recommendations, and more information, email us at

Celebrating Hip Hop History Month in Washington!

(Click on each event’s link for more information)

Nov 2 – Seattle Hip Hop Film Festival
Nov 3 – Homeboy Sandman
Nov 4 – Soulful Mondays
Nov 8 – Shabazz Palaces
Nov 9 – The Lox
Nov 10 – Vitamin D
Nov 10 – Krizz Kaliko
Nov 11 – Soulful Mondays
Nov 11 – Andre Nickatina
Nov 14 – Brother Ali
Nov 16 – Kassa Overall
Nov 18 – Soulful Mondays
Nov 23 – Pharcyde
Nov 25 – Soulful Mondays

Contact us if you have an event to submit.

Hip Hop History Month Home

Seattle Hip Hop Film Festival 2024


November 2, 2024

5th Annual Seattle Hip Hop Film Festival 2024

Washington Hall
153 14th Ave, Seattle, WA 98108

Doors: 5:30pm
Starts: 6:00pm
$10 adv. | All-Ages and 21+
Ticket Link

Seattle Hip Hop Film Festival 2024 Films


Directed by Justin Emeka
Seattle, WA

Ciiid – Straight Up

Ciiid – Straight Up
Directed by Teon
Seattle, WA

C Mayes – Don’t Make Sense

C Mayes – Don’t Make Sense
Directed by Ali Sharif-Ivey
Cleveland, OH

DV Alias Kryst – No Discounts

DV Alias Kryst – No Discounts
Directed by Joseph Ocasio
Brooklyn, NY

Grateful For Hip-Hop

Grateful For Hip-Hop
Directed by Luis Eduardo Villamizar
Hollywood, FL

I Dance Mine, You Dance Yours

I Dance Mine, You Dance Yours
Directed by Alberto Masala, Serena Guidoni
Sardinia, Italy


Directed by Manas Sirakanyan
St. Petersburg, Russia

Mexico: One Love

Mexico: One Love
Directed by Ken Ji
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico


Directed by Ian Isaboke Nyakundi
Nairobi, Kenya


Directed by Chico Bennett
San Diego, CA


Directed by Jaimar Viray, Carl Angelo Nicdao Viray
Los Angeles, CA

Vanishing Seattle: The Beacon

Vanishing Seattle: The Beacon
Directed by Will Lemke
Seattle, WA

You Don’t Know Me

You Don’t Know Me
Directed by Michael Jasper
Pittsburg, PA

The Seattle Hip Hop Film Festival is now accepting submissions for the 5th annual festival taking place November 2nd at Washington Hall.

We are accepting short films, 15 minutes and under, focused on hip-hop culture. This includes: Narratives, documentary, music videos, experimental, animation, and performance based films with a focus on hip-hop (Djing/Production, Graffiti, Dance, Emceeing).

Submit your film on

Early Bird Deadline: April 15, 2024
Regular Deadline: June 17, 2024
Late Deadline: July 14, 2024
Notification Date: August 11, 2024
Event Date: November 2, 2024

Presented by 206 Zulu & Propadata Films

SHHFF Film Freeway
SHHFF Instagram
SHHFF Facebook Event Page

Off The Wall 2024


Congratulations to Fazer who reigned champion of the 14th Annual Off The Wall in partnership with On The Block and City of Seattle!

Saturday, September 14, 2024

14th Annual 

1-vs-1 Piece Battle
$500 Prize
*Deadline to register is Friday, Sept 13th
*Limited to 20 artists

Performances by:
Falon Sierra
Jaiden Grayson 
Skrr Skrr
Slime Tyrants
Wish Baby
4C Collective
Hosted by Julie-C

With Creative Marketplace and Vendors!

11th Ave between E. Pike & E. Pine
Seattle, WA
1-7p | All-Ages | Free

Presented by On The Block Seattle, 206 Zulu and City of Seattle

Wicky Wicky


Thursday, September 5, 2024

Scratch Session at Washington Hall

Washington Hall
153 14th Ave
Seattle, WA 98122

Free | 7-10pm | All-Ages

Always Remembered 2023- Bill Lee and the Mo’ Better Blues

Some 206 Zulu readers will be familiar with our Always Remembered series, a tradition we carry each year where we take time to hold space for people within Hip Hop and its peripheral communities who passed on over the course of the preceding year. In the past, this remembrance has taken the form of an annual video episode of our Meeting of the Minds podcast. For 2024, we’ll be sharing these memories in a different way.

Over the course of this year, we’ll be sharing a written commemoration of some of these influential members of our greater community, one at a time. We know that the act of remembrance is a tremendous power we have to keep our predecessors and ancestors alive through our collective voice. In that grain, keep posted for our ongoing series of brief stories looking into the lives of some of the fascinating people that transcended their physical frames in the course of 2023. And if any of these individuals have impacted you in any way, remember, your retelling of these stories will keep them alive in perpetuity. This is Always Remembered…

Bill Lee

William James Edwards Lee III aka Bill Lee was known for many things in his long life. He was a jazz bassist who played his double bass with an eclectic host of pivotal figures in music history not often found on the same list. He collaborated with artists whose names have become iconic in genres ranging from jazz and soul to rock and folk music. Some of those names include Duke Ellington, Bob Dylan, Harry Belafonte, Aretha Franklin, and Peter, Paul, and Mary. He’s also known for the work that he did with his son, the filmmaker Spike Lee. Bill died in his home in Brooklyn on May 24, 2023 at the age of 94.

Over the course of his life, Bill Lee worked extensively with his son, beginning with Spike Lee’s film-school thesis project, Joe’s Bed-Stuy Barbershop: We Cut Heads. He would go on to write the soundtracks for Spike Lee’s first four feature films, She’s Gotta Have It (1986), School Daze (1988), Do the Right Thing (1989), and the story of hardships in the life of a jazz musician in Mo’ Better Blues (1990).

In an interview once, Spike said about his father, “I saw his integrity, how he was not going to play just any kind of music, no matter how much money he could make.” 

We remember Bill Lee not only for his own accomplishments and innovations in the music he wrote and performed, but he also provides a contemplation on how we regard the parents of famous artists. A son of two musicians himself, he along with his wife Jacquelyn Lee who died of cancer at the early age of 41, passed the love of the arts along to their children. Along with finding joy in art, he held a line which represents a precedent for music to mean more than financial profit or public accolades. The act of keeping art and freedom alive through generations of a family line is an incredible accomplishment in itself. Doing so in a way that passes values along with the art is a potential gift to the future. As we inherit that world, we remember Bill Lee.


Culture Shift: Breaking at the Olympic Games

“Hip-hop has always been controversial…[it’s] meant to be provocative…confrontational…dense with multiple meanings…It challenges you.

[The] other reason Hip Hop is controversial: people don’t bother trying to get it…”

Jay-Z, Decoded

The first 50 years of Hip Hop have been about challenging the status quo, a habit rarely embraced by main-stream pop-culture fans and critics or government officials. Because of this, controversy follows Hip Hop wherever it goes. This summer, it’s headed to Paris, with the debut of breaking in the 2024 Olympic Games. Though the International Olympic Committee (IOC) claims that this is a major positive development for breaking, Hip Hop heads, dancers, and athletes have spoken out against the decision to include the new ‘sport.’ As frustration increases with the eager “What to Know About the Newest Olympic Sport” headlines or the bitter “Breaking Doesn’t Belong in the Olympics — Here’s Why” diatribes, it’s clear that breaking’s inclusion in the 2024 Games deserves a deeper look.

This year’s Games have already been dramatic. Approaching the July 26th opening ceremony- in addition to other rampant spending that comes with putting on an event like the Olympics- Paris had spent $1.5 billion to rid the River Seine of E. Coli and other contaminants, and Parisians threatened to take a community dump into the murky water to protest the wasteful spending. The effort to clean the river, which has been closed for swimming since the 1920’s, was barely successful. After months of speculation and suspense, the river was finally approved for entry on the morning of the triathlon competition.

The IOC has faced widespread criticism for clearing child rapist Steven van de Velde to compete in volleyball; he has been booed by fans at each match. In soccer, the reigning women’s gold medalist Canadians are being torn apart by an unfolding cheating scandal, and in gymnastics, a Japanese athlete was sent home for enjoying a cigarette and a beer. A drunk Russian chef admitted to being a spy the same day a synagogue was vandalized in a suspected destabilization attempt; there was a controversial ad campaign featuring references to the marred 1972 Olympics; and there were arson attacks on the Paris subways system. More recently, Imane Khelif, a female athlete whose hormones tested within normal levels, has reignited the heated debate over trans athletes, after punching her opponent so hard that she quit.

Depiction of the 2024 Paris Olympics. (“On Fire” by KC Green)

Long before the unfolding of those situations, however, Hip Hop heads, dancers, and athletes have been engaged in a heated debate: is breaking a sport? And if it is, should it be an Olympic sport? Since the introduction of the breaking event at the 2018 Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires, many in the Hip Hop community have spoken out against the commodification of the art of breaking, and many outside the Hip Hop community have questioned the IOC’s intentions in including the new event. 

Though the Olympics are a chance to push the limits of the human body, it is historically done in an environment overflowing with consumerism and profit; each sport’s influence is weighed and only included if its audience is large enough for the IOC to profit. Recommendation 1 of Olympic Agenda 2020, which was enacted in 2014 to keep the Games relevant, states that potential host countries will propose sports to the committee in their applications.

On August 9th and 10th, Olympics and breaking fans will watch impressive spins, flips, and freezes, with a backdrop crammed with ads for major corporations and banks. Samsung and Xfinity have capitalized on breaking’s hype, building Olympic ad campaigns around the new event.

This piece on breaking, featuring some of the highest profile b-boys and b-girls in the world, including USA Olympian B-Girl Sunny, was released by Samsung. They have produced several ads featuring breaking for their Olympics campaign.

Outwardly, the IOC’s introduction of the Youth Games in 2010 and events like breaking into the Olympic sphere was motivated by a desire to attract youth interest and cultural diversity to the games. They have approved many new sports with low barriers to entry like surfing, skateboarding, climbing, 3×3 basketball, and karate. The Olympic Agenda 2020+5, which builds on Olympic Agenda 2020, states five key trends to address in keeping the games relevant, all mostly focused on building communities and embracing diversity and equity.

Classism at the Olympic Games

Earlier this year, Professor Maureen A. Weston of the Pepperdine Caruso School of Law published an article in the Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment & Technology Law titled “Breaking Cultural and Financial Barriers in Olympic Sports,” that goes deeper into the IOC’s motivation to include breaking. She starts by evaluating the Olympic Charter, which explicitly states various goals of Olympism, including “[blending] sport with art, culture, and education, and [using] sport to foster peace and human dignity.” The charter also states that “[t]he practice of sport is a human right,” and discrimination of a country or a person in regards to “[r]ace, [color], sex, sexual orientation, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status” is incompatible with the Olympic Movement.

Despite these goals, Olympic athletes are “disproportionately white, privately educated, and wealthy,” according to a sociodemographic study of Olympians done by Dr. David Lawrence at the University of Toronto. Lawrence concludes that many Olympic sports- like archery, equestrian, sailing, cycling, shooting, modern pentathlon, and rowing- pose major financial barriers to participation, creating “[disproportionate domination] by wealthy, privately educated, Caucasian participants.” And if the equipment doesn’t have a high price tag, travel does, which is why for the 2018 Youth Games, applicants for qualification were able to submit videos instead of participating in qualifier events.

Olympic Agenda 2020 placed the role of proposing new sports in the hands of the Organizing Committee for potential host nations, and those proposals play a part in the selection of a host. The new sports are supposed to represent cultural influences in the host country. and France has a large contingent of b-boys and b-girls.

French IOC President Tony Estanguet indicated that his goal was to create an iteration of the Games that is “dynamic,” “inclusive,” “urban,” and “artistic.” IOC President Thomas Bach said that the new 2024 sports make the Games “more gender balanced and more urban, and offer the opportunity to connect with the younger generation.” Interestingly, both men are wealthy and white and use the term “urban” to describe their vision for the 2024 games. The “urban” music genre was coined by black radio DJ Frankie Crocker to bring attention to black American music in the 70’s, however; some modern artists claim that it has become a way to categorize, simplify, and delegitimize black art.

The header photo of the Olympic Agenda 2020+5 showcases a diverse group of Youth Olympic Game participants. (Photo from

The motivations of the IOC seem both greedy and generous, but it is clear that the committee is onto something. When breaking was introduced during the Youth Games, it saw “unmitigated success,” according to the World DanceSport Federation (WDSF), the ‘sport’ of breaking’s International Federation (IF) (i.e. governing body), which also governs acrobatic rock’n’roll, boogie woogie, disco, hip hop, Latin dances, para dance-sport, rhythm, salsa, smooth dances, stage dance, and standard dance. The WDSF cited over a million viewers for the debut.

Yet, on the back of this seemingly positive development, skeptical voices question the IOC’s sincerity. Watching the Olympic Qualifier Series (OQS) that took place in Shanghai in May, the skepticism is clearly valid. Though the live DJ was spinning solid beats, and the breaking was breathtaking, a viewer can’t help but question the lack of clarity in the judges’ decisions and be distracted by the big, bold ads emblazoned on the DJ booth.

How does the Hip Hop era of DJ Kool Herc feel about their influences being used to peddle Fortune 500 consulting services and massive credit card companies? How many hungry mouths could be fed with the money spent on one of those ads? How does a founder balance the overflowing pride in the growth of Hip Hop with skepticism of the most corporate aspects of its growth?

The b-boys and b-girls breaking in this year’s Games won’t see any advertising profits. Few athletes get paid for competing, unless they have a sponsor, or an organization like World Athletics steps in to pay medalists.

Competition at the Core of Breaking

Breaking has come a long way since the 70’s, when it was confined to the basements and streets of New York. In the 80’s, breaking went global. The Rock Steady Crew and the Double Dutch Dancers performed on stages across Europe, and b-boys and b-girls spun and grooved through music videos and movies, like Flashdance (1983), Style Wars (1983), Wild Style (1983), Beat Street (1984), and Breakin’ (1984). In 1982, the New York City Rap Tour brought artists from each element of Hip Hop to Europe for a showcase. Artists like Charles Washington and Michael Jackson popularized some of the pivotal moves on the biggest stages in the world.

While those events sought to grow Hip Hop’s influence around the globe and entertain the masses, there was another aspect of breaking that was developing: competition. Competition has always been at the core of Hip Hop. Who can drop the coldest rhyme? Who has the most throw-ups in the city? And which b-boy or b-girl has the best rhythm, style, and athleticism? In the early 80’s, at his club, Negril, in the East Village of New York City, Hip Hop impresario Michael Holman embraced the competitive nature of Hip Hop. He was one of the first to organize b-boy battles by encouraging the Rock Steady Crew to battle other crews, like the Floor Masters and Zulu Kings.

Holman played a major part in forming the New York City Breakers, an all-star group of b-boys that was a key factor in the popularization of breaking, appearing on late night shows, news segments, and movies. In a news clip starring the New York City Breakers, the b-boys discuss how breaking played a part in New York youth moving away from gang violence. The teenagers discuss why they dedicate so much time to honing their skills: pride, territory, exercise, and money; earning good wages as performers-for-hire in clubs around New York.

Members of the Rock Steady Crew break to “It’s Just Begun” by the Jimmy Castor Bunch in Flashdance (1983). This is one of the first instances of breaking in popular culture.

The end of the video from exactly 40 years ago is striking. B-Boy Action (A.K.A. Chino Lopez) challenges Olympic athletes to compete in a floor competition. The reporter says that it’s clear that breaking has become an art and a sport and concludes, “Who knows? Maybe someday, [breaking] will be an Olympic event.”

B-Boy Crazy Legs, (A.K.A. Richard Colón), who appeared in Beat Street, Flashdance, Wild Style, Style Wars, and on the New York City Rap Tour never expected breaking to make such a worldwide impression. “It was our little ghetto game,” he told the New York Post in 2015. As a cast member on screens and stages across the world, however, Colón was directly involved in the international spread of breaking.

After Hip Hop’s efforts in Europe, breaking had a global burst of popularity in the 80’s, but as the 90’s approached, the growth stagnated. Then in 1990, Six Step, a German event management agency, put on the first Battle of the Year (BOTY), which today is considered by some to be the unofficial World Cup of breaking. The first BOTY was held at a youth center in Döhren. Today, the annual event brings tens of thousands of fans to Montpelier, France to watch b-boys and b-girls, who compete in international qualifiers to make the event.

Six Step worked with the IOC and the WDSF to organize the Youth Games in Buenos Aires. The event management firm was responsible for planning and scheduling, overseeing qualifying, creating the rule book, developing the jury system, and selecting the jurors. The jurors for the Olympic battles are established b-boys and b-girls, like B-Girl Candy A.K.A. Candy Foelix, who also commentates on events, including the OQS. Sometimes, the judges will even put on an exhibition before the battles to offer more lighthearted entertainment and prove their credentials.

The digital judging interface for the 2018 Youth Games in Buenos Aires shows the Trivium system, which was developed for the debut of the breaking event. (Screenshot via Jason Pu)

Breaking, a Northeast American creation, has become a worldwide movement, with Olympic competitors from 16 countries across five continents (though none hail from South America). Most major tournaments that take place outside the United States, like the Chelles Battle Pro, Red Bull BC One, R16 Korea, and WDSF events are head-to-head, elimination tournaments, based on a variety of judging categories. The Olympics’ judging criteria is based on the Trivium system, which is composed of three categories with two subcategories each: Body- technicality and variety; Mind- creativity and personality; and Soul- musicality and performativity. Judges will be comparing the head-to-head matchups based on execution and form, confidence and spontaneity, ‘bite,’ and repeated moves. For the Olympic Games, the categories have been simplified to Technique, Originality, Execution, Vocabulary, and Musicality.

Constructive Cultural Impact of International Breaking

These days, many people outside of the Hip Hop sphere are exposed to breaking on social media for views, and in tourist-centric city centers, watching groups go through similar routines: gather crowd, run in circles, do flips and spins, line up a group of foreign onlookers and jump over them. These performances have had the same recipe for decades, but today this is one of the only ways to make money by breaking, and it doesn’t build a community like performing in clubs with your neighbors cheering your name.

At the same time, those performers are using their love and lifetime of dance and Hip Hop to entertain strangers and earn a living. Respect.

Lanny Markasky of Mala Vida crew performs for tourists at the Santa Monica Pier. (Photo by Gary Friedman via Los Angeles Times)

International competitions are about the ‘sport’ of breaking- pushing the bounds of what’s possible. But they also serve similar purposes as the tourist performances: entertain fans and financially support the dancers. In theory, the latter seems negative when presuming that Hip Hop and dancing are about art and expression, not financial gain. But like many other art forms, breaking was born from a need for cost-effective self-expression, alongside homemade felt markers and needle dropping. Learning how to break was (and is) free, and offered the originators (and modern breakers) a pathway to economic development through those nightclub performances and world tours, the predecessors of today’s street performances and international tournaments.

Breaking is a product of mid-20th Century New York oppression- inner-city Puerto Rican immigrants and black folks’ underground expression, and its spread has introduced the style of dance to communities around the world with young people in need of a healthy creative outlet. In Germany, Six Step runs a school outreach program, in which they encourage youth participants to choose dance over drugs and alcohol. The group Camps Breakers in Palestine uses breaking to empower youth in a war zone.

Camps Breakerz students dance atop the remnants of bombed buildings in Gaza.

Without the exposure of breaking through tourism, media, and competitions, the art form would not have found so many people in need. Breaking, itself, has been influenced by cultures from across the world– ballet, gymnastics, martial arts, Brazilian Capoeira, South African Pantsula, Russian Cossack dancing, and American Jazz dance. At the outset, as breaking spread, worldwide communities began developing unique styles. Thomas Hergenröther from BOTY, however, claims that, today, due to the spread of breaking, the differentiation of styles is almost imperceivable. International b-boys and b-girls have spent the past half-century introducing to each other new swagger, new techniques, and new moves, making breaking a worldwide movement, a worldwide community.

The b-boy and b-girl Olympians will continue to build on breaking’s history of competition and unity. They will continue to push the art and sport of breaking and push each other to the limits of human potential, as is the spirit of the Games. They’ll do it in front of hundreds-of-millions of viewers- potential fans or disciples, managers or sponsors.

In addition to pushing themselves beyond their limits, the b-boys and b-girls in Paris will connect with each other, peers that may never have had the chance to compete and represent their countries. After each round, the competitors’ grimaces and sneers will turn to grins and daps, as they develop lifelong friendships.

The Olympic debut will not only boost the athlete’s profiles, but also the profile of breaking as a creative and competitive outlet. Who knows how many new crews of b-boys and b-girls will form? How many new opportunities will arise for those who have been breaking for decades?

Destructive Cultural Impact of International Breaking

The pages of search results with articles titled, “Breaking Should not be an Olympic Sport,” “Breaking Doesn’t Belong in the Olympics – Here’s Why,” and “Should Breaking Really be an Olympic Sport?” come from far beyond the breaking community. However, a major contingent within the Hip Hop dance and athletic communities also view the IOC adoption of breaking as hollow or parasitic. Some see the commoditization of breaking as another step in delegitimizing the ‘art’ of breaking in favor of the ‘sport.’ Many critique the judging system, which rewards the b-boy or b-girl the judges preferred, but doesn’t give any insight into how the judges arrived at their decision.

In order to win over the judges and win gold, the athletes will need to conquer the quantitative judging components- Technicality, Variety, and Performativity- by freezing faster, flipping higher, and spinning more than their competitors. To embrace the qualitative aspects of the judging criteria- Personality, Musicality, and Creativity- they will need to keep their moves fresh, on beat, and unique. The qualitative components are harder to score objectively, and critics will be watching closely to ensure that competitors are graded fairly, on both quantitative and qualitative aspects.

It is commonly believed that Capoeira was developed by enslaved Africans in Brazil to disguise their forbidden martial arts training as dance, developing from similar dance styles in Southern Angola. (Image from Capoeira the Prodigal Son of Africa or Brazil? by Wilson A.)

Many breakers, like American, Carmarry Hall, believe that, “The Olympic platform is not going to appreciate…[that breaking is] about Black dance.” In a 2023 AP interview, Hall indicates that in the structure of Olympic competition, “you lose a little bit of the heart,” of breaking. Hall even states that she took some of her personality, her “loudness,” out of her competition routine, noting that being the “funkiest” was not raising her scores as much as focusing on what the judges favor: cramming in as many ‘toprock,’ ‘downrock,’ and ‘power’ moves, ‘headspins,’ ‘windmills,’ and ‘freeze’ poses as possible, without repetition, into her short battles.

To put the quantitative vs. qualitative into context: a 540º headspin is better than a 360º headspin on paper, but what if the 360º was done with style and rhythm, while the 540º was emotionless and stiff?

Dancers from outside breaking have also criticized the IOC. Morgan Pravato of the Diamondback argues that dance can never cross the art/sport divide. “There is no concrete way to measure one dancer against another,” she says. “There is no set technique or definition of a ‘good’ dancer… in sports, stronger physical ability almost always means more success. Games have a clear winner.”

Pravato goes on to say that shows like America’s Best Dance Crew and So You Think You Can Dance water down dance, introducing “stage styles” that can barely be considered the same as their original forms.

The quantitative judging- the components based strictly on number and intensity of moves- are the more soulless judging components. They do serve a purpose though, countering another common argument against breaking’s inclusion in the games: bias.

That bias stems from the qualitative aspects of dance. In a dance competition, how do you prevent the judges from being biased? In a breaking competition centered around improvisation and style (including a live DJ, who plays different music for each competitor), how do you fairly judge the qualitative components? How do you fairly judge a competitor’s personality?

Because of the subjective judging criteria, many sports fans and athletes find fault with the decision to include events like breaking, BMX freestyle biking, and skateboarding before sports with concrete rules and scoring, like squash.

Australian squash legend Michelle Martin has been lobbying for her sport to be in the Olympics for decades, to no avail, making her particularly disgusted with the IOC’s decision to include the Games’ first ‘dance sport.’ Martin criticizes the decision in a 2020 interview with the Guardian, in which she calls the modern iterations of the Games a “mockery.”

“The Olympics was all about a score, or it was a running race,” she said. “There was a definitive answer and results to sports. You bring in all these judging things, and it just gets so corrupt and so out of control.”

Martin is sure to be happy about the Los Angeles 2028 Olympic committee choosing to omit breaking and, for the first time, include squash.

Breaking: the Art vs. the Sport

According to Professor Weston of Pepperdine, an activity becomes a sport through a nebulous yet rigid process: 

“How an activity evolves from a game to a sport first happens on the local level. A new activity is invented, or existing activities are combined into a formalized competition. For example, in the 1970s, the San Diego Track Club invented Triathlon by creating a “swim-bike-run” competition. If a sport begins to gain local popularity, the creator can register the name of the sport as an official trademark with the US Patent and Trademark Office and publish the official rules, which are eligible for copyright protection. If the sport involves a newly invented piece of equipment, the inventor can apply for a patent with the USPTO as well. Rarely do new sports develop international popularity, although globalization and social media have made this possible at a faster rate than ever before, as the recent pickleball phenomenon evinces.”

Weston describes various games that are considered sports by some, games by others, such as cheer, chess, darts, bridge, and poker, and how they form governing bodies, like the WDSF, the IF of breaking. Weston goes on to include common elements of sports: “a formal organization structure for competition, a governing body, established rules, requirements for physical skill and athleticism, and standard for participation and evaluation.” To be eligible for the Olympics, a sport must follow the rules above, and be practiced by men in at least 75 countries across four continents and women in at least 40 countries across three continents.

Other Olympic sports, including recent additions skateboarding and snowboarding, are also judged based on quantitative and qualitative categories and have contributed to the growth of those sports. The Japanese snowboard team has pushed the boundaries of the sport farther than it’s ever been, which would have been impossible without the sport’s introduction to Asia through international competition and popular street and backcountry films.

USA’s Jagger Eaton does a backside board slide during the Olympic debut of skateboarding in 2020. (Image by Ezra Shaw via Getty Images)

Just as in snowboarding, breaking has two sides: the art- who can make a viewer feel their moves? And the competition- who can do the most, the cleanest, the hardest moves?

In 2022, Red Bull brought together 10 international b-boys and b-girls for a lighthearted debate: is breaking an art or a sport? The breakers were almost unanimous- both. B-boys and b-girls know how to switch the competitive spirit on and off. South Korean Olympic B-Boy Hongten (A.K.A. Kim Hong-yul), who turned 40 this year, says that though breaking is moving more and more towards the competition aspect, the “essence of the art” will always remain.

Ecuadorian B-Girl Isis claims that the world is forcing her to be an athlete. She has to dig to find the competitive spirit to reach her goals. Deep down, though, Isis feels that her peers and she are artists.

And though the general consensus of the impressive international delegation of breakers was that breaking is a “coin on its edge,” an art and a sport, some were more negative. Ukrainian B-Girl Kate argues that, “Some people have a certain energy, and you just feel it…how can you judge that?”

The Japanese men’s snowboard team sweeps the podium at the FIS World Cup big air competition January 14, 2023. (Image via Kyodo News)

It did make sense for France to pitch breaking as an event for their iteration of the Olympics. The nation has a large community of breakers, many of whom are immigrants from Arab-Africa. In the early 2000’s, competitions sprung up across the country, and Democratic Republic of Congo immigrant, B-Boy Junior (A.K.A. Junior Bosila Banya), even won a national talent TV show, La France a un Incroyable Talent (France has got Incredible Talent). Junior has one short leg due to complications from a childhood bout with Polio, and while his disability prevented him from succeeding in other sports, he found an outlet in breaking. Many other breakers have performed on Incroyable Talent, including B-Boy Haiper (A.K.A. Youcef Mecheri), a French Algerian immigrant, who has scoliosis in his back and a disability in his legs. Haiper performs with crutches and says that breaking helps him forget about his handicap.

B-Boy Fenix and his crew perform in front of Montmartre in France. (Image via Freeze Paris!)

Despite the popularity of breaking in France, French B-Boy Fenix (A.K.A. Arnaud Duprez), in an interview with the Washington Post, brings up another powerful view of the Olympics’ inclusion of breaking in Paris: France has historically been a place where people of Arab and African descent have felt oppressed- not encouraged to pursue their dreams or creative passions.

“[Breaking] is a fully Black culture from the ghetto,” Fenix says. “[The French masses] don’t like the culture of breaking and Hip Hop because it’s very connected to rap culture… Black culture… immigration.” Fenix’s performances at Montmartre are constantly broken up by French police. Yet, when they could profit off of it, the French Olympic representatives pushed for breaking to be a new Olympic sport, embracing it as a major part of their national culture.

The Road to Paris

The process to qualify for a national breaking team was quite complicated. Athletes had a shot at a spot by winning one of six championships: the 2023 WDSF World Championship, and the Africa, Europe, Asia, Americas, and Oceania qualifiers, which took place between May and October of 2023. These qualifiers yielded twelve Olympians- six b-boys and six b-girls.

A total of 80 breakers, in addition to 160 sport climbers, 48 freestyle BMX riders, and 176 freestyle skateboarders from around the world, gathered in Budapest, Hungary for the second of two events in the Olympic Qualifier Series to compete for the last 20 spots.

Of the 80 breakers, 10 b-boys and 11 b-girls qualified for the Olympic Games via a combined points system from both events. describes the series as, “a key project under ‘Olympic Agenda 2020+5,’ [offering] fans an immersive Olympic experience that merges sport, art, music and culture.”

B-Boy Junior performs on France a un Incroyable Talent in 2007.

Like breaking, sports are often included and extracted from the Olympic itinerary, and it was announced in the Fall of 2023 that breaking will not be included in the 2028 Olympics. The WDSF were “profoundly disappointed” with this decision, indicating that the Los Angeles Olympic organizers and the IOC were behind the exclusion of the event. Instead of breaking, the LA committee is including flag football, baseball and softball, lacrosse, cricket, and finally, squash.

Few sports have been held at every Summer Olympic Games, including gymnastics, swimming, cycling, fencing, and track and field. Karate debuted in the Tokyo Games, but was not included in the Paris 2024 games.

Breakers to Watch in August

Regardless of whether or not breaking belongs in the Olympics, the competition is going to be entertaining and exciting to watch. The best b-boys and b-girls from around Planet Earth have been called together to battle it out at the most prestigious (and commercial) sporting event in the world. The b-boys and b-girls are inspired, prepared, and anxious, especially the Americans, who have a lot of pressure to represent their culture.

The b-boys with the best Vegas odds to win are American B-Boy Victor, Canadian B-Boy Phil Wizard, and Japanese B-Boy Shigekix. The other b-boy from the U.S., B-Boy Jeffro, is ranked 4th, according to OddsChecker.

The b-girls with the best Vegas odds to win are Chinese B-Girl 671, Japanese B-Girl Ami, and Lithuanian B-Girl Nicka. American B-Girls Logistix and Sunny are ranked 7th and 11th, respectively, according to Scores and Stats.

The Olympic Qualifier Series features breaking, sport climbing, BMX freestyle, and skateboarding. (Image via Olympics)

With its inclusion in the Olympics, breaking has gone fully corporate, but there might be a positive spin. The WDSF and the Olympics offer platforms for athletes to build their careers and for Hip Hop to spread peace, love, and art farther across the planet.

There is an argument to be made, however, that, though competition is at the core of breaking, the Olympic format will not exhibit the true spirit of breaking. The b-boys, b-girls, and judges will be scrutinized by lifelong supporters of breaking, needing to embrace the quantitative and qualitative criteria without losing touch with Hip Hop and the competitors’ personalities and styles.

On August 9th and 10th, the world will tune in to see what a breaking competition is all about. For some, it will be their first exposure to breaking, and the simple, watered-down competition will be approachable, intriguing, and in some cases inspiring. Experienced fans will find the tight battles thrilling, as some of the world’s best b-boys and b-girls push themselves to the brink of their skill sets and progress through the most prestigious sporting competition on Earth.

*Breaking events at the Olympic Games are airing on NBC or Peacock Friday, August 9th and Saturday, August 10th.


Preserve the Kulture Jam 24


Preserve the Kulture Jam 24 is a two-day celebration of hip-hop culture at APEX Art & Culture Center, Friday and Saturday, Aug. 16-17!

PTK kicks off Friday with a special movie screening of “Prophets, Teachers and Kings,” an award-winning film that’s an inside look at the dark and sometimes dangerous world of one of Los Angeles’ oldest graffiti crews, and their 35-year rise from juvenile delinquency to urban art infamy.

There will be an exciting panel following the film with John Carswell, collector of the DogTown Collection; Devin Rice, movie director and cinematographer; AYE147, renowned UTI graffiti writer and DogTown artist; Cornbread, the Philadelphia graffiti legend credited as the world’s first graffiti artist; and Baby G Carswell, AMGRAF curator. This is a not-to-be-missed event.

After the panel there will be an unveiling of a special canvas painted by Cornbread, as well as tours of the AMGRAF museum with Baby G.

Saturday will be an action-packed day showcasing “the Kulture” of Hip Hop.

The morning begins with the start of the children’s mural project at the back wall of APEX. AYE147 and Cornbread will collaborate on this fun mural that will grace the wall for the year, spreading a message of unity, kindness and hope.

We will close Wetmore Avenue between Everett and 26th Street for a lowrider car show highlighting local clubs and the drivers’ ability to turn cars into not only pieces of art, but also engineering feats with out-of-this-world hydraulics.

That afternoon, 206 Zulu, the Seattle-based community organization that uses Hip Hop culture and the arts as platforms for community service, education and empowerment, will host a Zulu Throwdown breakdancing workshop, exhibition and break battle.  

Watch some of graffiti’s top national and regional artists compete in our annual paint battle; battling to be the best of their peers and crowd favorites. Meet the artists and watch their creativity flow from can to canvas.

DJs will keep the vibe going, Johnny Slaw’s will keep bellies full, and our beer and wine garden will be sure to keep adult beverages flowing.

Phoenix-based Herb ‘N Life will play Kings Hall at 8 p.m. Created in 2020, this reggae rock band released their first album – The Blue Album – in October 2022. They hae a distinct sound and are sure to get showgoers dancing.

*There will be a $10 cover charge to enter Kings Hall for the Saturday night show beginning at 8 p.m. The beer garden and food truck will be open throughout the event.

Supported by Snohomish County and Everett LTAC grants, this community event is partnering with 206 Zulu and The Schack Art Center and Schack’s Fresh Paint event. Paint, paint and more paint. Watching graffiti artists create their works of art using only aerosol paint doesn’t get much fresher.

Location: APEX Everett
1611 Everett Avenue
Everett, WA 98201

Stay tuned for more updates!

13th Annual Beat Masters


What an incredible weekend at Beat Masters! @206zulu captured the electrifying moments where music producers battled it out for the best beats. Huge congratulations to @thirdeyebling for taking the 2024 Beat Masters champion title! 🏆

A massive shoutout to our guest judges @maraire @dume41 and @djqbert for making the tough calls. We’re honored to have had Qbert in the house, delivering a stellar show despite the technical issues. 🙌

Thank you to our amazing host @seattleskey and to all the incredible performers and supporters: @oh__my__kaz Kitty Wu, @mzmusicgirl anticolonialauntie, @djwray206@jazrupt @dj_neebor @scottbreitbarth @digislaps, and everyone else who made this event a success!

Big thanks to @downtownseattle for partnering with us to make this event happen! 🎉

Special shoutout to @djqbert @djtecumseh , Chad Joshua, @djshmix and all the turntablists who came afterwards for the amazing scratch session. 🎧✨

206 Zulu presents:
DEADLINE TO ENTER: Sunday, July 21st

Sunday, July 28th, 2024 (2:00pm-7:00pm)
$500 – 2nd Place
Judges: DJ Qbert, Baba Maraire, Dume41
Performances by DJ Qbert, Beatbox Panda
Bboy/Bgirl Cypher, Beat Cypher
Hosted by Seattle’s Key

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Westlake Park (Downtown)
401 Pine St, Seattle, WA

Event starts at 2pm. Sign in is at 2:00pm, please arrive no later than 2:30pm. Beat Battle will begin at 3pm promptly. 
Note: Parking may be difficult to find, please plan ample time to get to location. 


Out of all online submissions, 16 will be selected. Those chosen will be given an opportunity to compete at the beat battle on Sunday, July 28th.
The 16 producers selected will be announced Wed. July, 24th.

Preliminary Round – (60 seconds) / 2 rounds each (16 producers)
1st Round – (60 seconds) / 2 rounds each (top 8 will go head to head)
Semi-finals – (60 seconds) / 2 rounds each (top 4 will go head to head)
Finals – (60 seconds) / 2 rounds each (head to head)

Preliminary round: Each producer plays two beats at exactly 60 seconds.

The top 8 contestants will be chosen to compete head to head. During the 1st round, each producer will play two beats at exactly 60 seconds.

4 semi-finalists will be chosen and compete head to head against another producer. Each producer will play 2 beats consecutively at exactly 60 seconds.

The top 2 finalists will compete for the champion title and $1,000!

The Beat Masters Beat Battle will take place outdoors at Westlake Park in downtown Seattle right in front Westlake Mall. Please only bring beats on a portable media player with a 1/8″ output. (such as iPod, laptop, tablet, mp3 player, etc)

Organizers and judges selected do not tolerate bias or discrimination in any form including association, affiliation, technical-preferences, creed, ethnicity, or gender. Leave egos at home. This is a positive event in the name of good spirited competition and artistic expression. No weapons, alcohol or drugs permitted on premises. All beats shall be free of profanity and/or sexually suggestive themes. Phrases/hooks can be be incorporated into production.

For questions/Info email:

Sponsored by Downtown Seattle AssociationSeattle Office of Arts & Culture, 4Culture, ArtsWA and National Endowment of the Arts.

Register below to compete!

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